Monthly Performance Review of Publicly Offered CII in Ukraine. June 2023

14 July 2023

According to the results of June, the Ukrainian Stock Exchange index decreased by -17.27%, while the PFTS index remained unchanged.

According to the level of profitability for the month, the public CII sectors were distributed as follows: open-ended funds were in the first place - (+0.26%), closed-end funds were the second ones - (-2.51%). The provided data on the activity of the interval CII are not sufficient for the analysis.


According to UAIB, the value of net assets (NAV) of 15 open-ended CIIs as at June 30, 2023 was UAH 144.33 M. According to the data provided at the end of the previous month, the total decrease in the value of net assets (NAV) amounted to -UAH 905.12 k (-0.62%). Due to significant payments to investors, net capital in the sector decreased by -UAH 1,860.21 k.

In June, the yield of open-ended investment funds ranged from +1.40% to -3.47%.

According to the June results, the following funds became the leaders in terms of NAV growth in the open-ended CII sector:

"KINTO-Klasychnyi"  (+UAH 323.94 k (+1.44%)) - additional placement of IC (+0.03% in circulation) allowed the fund to receive net capital inflow in the amount of +UAH 7.70 k;

"UNIVER.UA/Yaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii" (+UAH 66.04 k (+0.74%)) - the increase in NAV was due to a positive revaluation of the components of the investment portfolio;

"Altus-Zbalansovanyi" (+UAH 41.84 k (+0.96%)) - similarly, the increase in the value of the assets of the investment portfolio caused an increase in the NAV.

The following funds made the largest payments to investors in June:

"OTP-Klasychnyi" (-UAH 749.07 k (-1.05%)) - the purchase from investors of a significant number of certificates (-2.07% in circulation) led to the largest net outflow of capital in the sector in the amount of -UAH 1,480.57 k;

"KINTO-Kaznacheiskyi" (-UAH 192.68 k (-4.16%)) – the net outflow was -UAH 245.95 k due to the purchase of a certain number (-5.22% in circulation) of investment certificates (IC);

"OTP Fond Aktsii" (-UAH 488.46 k (-4.63%)) - similarly, the presentation by investors of IC for redemption (-1.34% in circulation) led to an outflow of net capital in the amount of -UAH 141.39 k.


The list of the main players of the sector in June was as follows: the first place among open-ended CIIs in terms of market share was taken by the "OTP-Klasychnyi" fund (48.90% of the total NAV (UAH 70.58 M)), the second step was taken by the "KINTO-Klasychnyi" fund (15.86% (UAH 22.89 M)), the third place was taken by the fund "OTP Fond Aktsii" (6.97% (UAH 10.06 M). "UNIVER.UA/Yaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii" fund was In the fourth place (6.25% (UAH 9.02 M UAH)), the fund "UNIVER.UA/Mykhailo Hrushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnykh Paperiv" closed the top five (4.26% (UAH 6.15 M).

Among the leaders in terms of profitability, the following funds stood out: "KINTO-Klasychnyi"  (+1.40%), "KINTO-Kaznacheyskyi" (+1.12%) and "OTP-Klasychnyi"   (+1.04%).

The worst indicators in June were shown by the funds "OTP Fond Aktsii" (-3.47%), "KINTO-Ekviti" (-0.75%) and "Nadbannia" (-0.35%).


In June, the provided data was insufficient, which made it impossible to conduct a comparative analysis of the activity of interval CII.


In June, 3 closed-end CIIs were included in the review, the value of whose net assets at the end of the month amounted to UAH 7.42 M. According to the provided indicators, the total NAV of these funds decreased by -UAH 82.53 k (-1.10%).

According to the results of June, the leader in the growth of NAV in the sector of closed -end CII was the fund "Indeks Ukrainskoi Birzhi"  (+UAH 29.27 k (+0.85%)) - additional placement of securities (+2.86% in circulation) allowed the fund to receive an inflow of net capital in the amount of +UAH 108.90 k.

The rest of the funds did not make payments to investors and did not attract their funds, so no changes in net capital were recorded in the sector.

According to the results of June, by the level of profitability, the funds in the sector were distributed as follows: "Indeks Ukrainskoi Birzhi" (-1.95%), "KINTO-Hold" (-2.72%) and "TASK Universal" (-2.88%).

Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 12.03.25
Number of AMC278as at 12.03.25
Number of NPF administrators16as at 12.03.25
Number of CII1852as at 12.03.25
Number of NPF*51as at 12.03.25
IC Number*1as at 31.01.25
AuM, UAH M689 848as at 31.01.25
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 385as at 31.01.25