Monthly Performance Review of Publicly Offered CII in Ukraine. January 2022

09 February 2022

According to the results of January 2022, the index of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange decreased by -2.19%, and the PFTS index - by -0.16%.

According to the level of rate of return, the CII sectors with public offering were distributed as follows: closed-end funds were in the first place - (+1.13%), open-ended CII were the second ones –

(-0.28%), interval funds were in the third  place (-1.35%) .


According to UAIB, the value of net assets (NAV) of 16 open-ended CII, which submitted reports for January, amounted to UAH 178.84 M. According to the data obtained at the end of the previous month, the total decrease of net assets amounted to -UAH 1754.10 k (-0.98%).

In January, the range of investment funds’ return was from +2.97 to -4.08%. According to the results of the month, the level of the sector's funds’ rate of return was evenly distributed: half with growth, half with decline.

The leaders in attracting of investors’ money in the sector ofopen-ended CII were the funds:

" UNIVER.UA/Yaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii " (+UAH 311.38 k (+3.63%)) - due to the additional placement of certificates among investors (+3.30% in circulation) received the largest net capital inflow of + UAH 276.46 k;

"VSI" (+UAH 214.59 k (+10.47%)) - attracting investors' money (+7.29% in circulation) allowed the fund to receive + UAH 147.74 k  of "net" capital;

“OTP Fond Aktsii” (+ UAH 25.27 k (+0.17%)) - also, thanks to the attraction of investors' money (+0.39% of IC in circulation), the fund received a net capital inflow of + UAH 56.94 k.

The largest payments to investors in January were made by the following funds:

"ОТP Klasychnyi" (-UAH 1,610.53 k (-1.80%)) - the redemption of a small number of certificates from investors (-1.90% in circulation) led to an outflow of net capital in the amount of - UAH 1,705.80 k ;

“KINTO-Ekviti” (-UAH 181.81 k (-3.70%)) - due to the reduction of NAV and redemption of IC from investors (-2.81% in circulation) the fund lost -UAH 137.63 k of "net” capital;

“КINТО-Кlasychnyi” (-UAH 488.81 k (-1.42%)) - similarly, the decrease of NAV and redemption of IC from investors (-2.81% in circulation) led to an outflow of net capital in the amount of - UAH 61.43 k.

The first place among open-ended CII in terms of market share was taken by “ОТP Klasychnyi” Fund (49.03% of total NAV (UAH 87.66 M)), the second place was taken by “КINТО-Кlasychnyi” Fund (17.42% (UAH 31.16 M)), the third place was taken by “OTP Fond Aktsii” Fund (8.24% (UAH 14.73 M)). The fourth place was taken by the “UNIVER.UA/Yaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii” Fund (4.97% (UAH 8.89 M)), the “UNIVER.UA/Мykhailo Hrushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnykh Paperiv” Fund took the honorable fifth place (2.85% (UAH 5.09 M)).

The leaders in terms of rate of return were the following funds: "VSI" (+2.97%), "Altus-Deposyt" (+1.19%) and “KINTO-Kaznacheiskyi” (+0.69%).

The lowest indicators in January were recorded by the following funds: “UNIVER.UA/Volodymyr Velykyi: Fond Zbalansovanyi”  (-4.08%), "Sofiivskyi" (-1.81%) and “КINТО-Кlasychnyi” (-1.23%) .


In January, the survey included 3 interval CII, whose net assets, according to UAIB, amounted to UAH 11.84 M. In comparison with the indicators of this sector at the end of the previous month, the total NAV decreased by -UAH 8.83 k (-1.10%).

“TASK Ukrainskyi Kapital” Fund became the leader in attracting investors’ money in the sector

(-UAH 8.83 k (-1.10%)) - due to the additional placement of certificates among investors (+0.25% in circulation) received a net inflow of capital in the amount of +UAH 2.00 k.

There were no payments to investors in January in the sector[1].



The review in January included 3 closed-end CII, the value of net assets of which at the end of the month amounted to UAH 15.93 M. In comparison with the indicators of this sector at the end of the previous month, the total NAV increased by +UAH 42.39 k (+0.27%).

Payments to investors in January in the sector were not recorded, so there were no changes of net capital, changes in NAV occurred due to the revaluation of the investment portfolio’s components.

The range of closed-end funds’ return in January was as follows: “KINTO-Hold” (+5.35%), “Indeks Ukrainskoi Birzhi” (-0.56%) and “TASK Universal” (-1.41%).

[1] According to available data, net inflow/outflow amounted to +UAH 2.00 k, but taking into account the data of funds, information on which is insufficient to compare with the previous period, net inflow/outflow amounted to

-UAH 85.25 k.

Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 07.03.25
Number of AMC278as at 07.03.25
Number of NPF administrators16as at 07.03.25
Number of CII1838as at 07.03.25
Number of NPF*51as at 07.03.25
IC Number*1as at 30.11.24
AuM, UAH M669 030as at 30.11.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 300as at 30.11.24