Monthly Performance Review of Publicly Offered CII in Ukraine. January 2021

19 February 2021

According to the results of the month, the UX index increased by 2.99%, and the PFTS index, by 2.77%.

By the rate of return, sectors of CII with public issue had the following breakdown of the results: closed-end funds (+0.85%), interval CII (+0.76%), open-ended funds - in third place (-0.85%).


According to the UAIB, the value of the net assets (NAV) of 16 open-ended CII as at January 2021 amounted to UAH 115.42M. According to the data provided at the end of January, the total increase of net assets amounted toUAH 4,572.61k (+4.29%).

At the end of the month, three funds recorded a negative change in NAV, the rest - ended the month with an increase. The scope for rates of return of open-ended CII ranged from +2.88% to -1.30%.

According to the results ofDecember, the following funds were the leaders of growth in the sector of open-ended CII:

“OTP Klasychnyi” (+UAH 4,033.56k (+14,62%)) – the fund received the largest net inflow of capital in the amount of UAH 3,777.75k due to additional placement of certificates (+13.65% in circulation);

KINTO-Kaznacheiskyi” (+UAH 82.97k (+1.92%)) – attracting investors' funds (+2.99% in circulation) allowed the fund to receive UAH 128.01k;

“OTP Fond Aktsii” (+UAH 137.11k (+2.01%)) – same, attracting investors' funds (+1.44% in circulation) allowed the fund to receive UAH 93.97k;

The following funds made the biggest payments to investors in January:

“KINTO-Klasychniy” (+UAH 120.17k (+0.39%)) – redemption of insignificant number of investment certificates (-0.41% in circulation) caused a net outflow in the amount of UAH 128.27k;

UNIVER.UA/Iaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii” (-UAH 88.60k (-1.30%)) – the decrease in NAV was due to a negative revaluation of the components of the investment portfolio;

“VSI” (-UAH 19.84k (-0.89%)) – the decrease in the value of the investment portfolio led to a decrease in NAV.

“OTP Klasychnyi” (27.39% of the total NAV (UAH 31.62M)) took the first place among the open-ended CII in terms of market share, the second one was the “KINTO-Klasychnyi” (26.89% of total NAV (UAH 31.03M)), the third got the fund “UNIVER.UA/Myhailo Hrushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnykh Paperiv” (7.00% (UAH 8.07M). Fourth place was taken by the fund “OTP Fond Aktsii” (6.02% (UAH 6.94M), the fund “UNIVER.UA/Iaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii” (6.71% (UAH 5.81M)) closes the top five.

The following funds were among the leaders in terms of rate of return:

“Nadbannia” (+2.88%), “UNIVER.UA/Myhailo Hrushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnykh Paperiv” (+2.05%) and “UNIVER.UA/Taras Shevchenko: Fond Zaoshchadzhen” (+1.77%)

The worst indicators in January were demonstrated by funds:   

UNIVER.UA/Iaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii” (-1.30%), “KINTO-Kaznacheiskyi” (-1.03%) and “VSI” (-0.89%).


In January, the review included 4 interval CII, whose net assets, according to UAIB, amounted to UAH 14.24M. Compared to the indicators of this sector at the end of the previous month, the total NAV increased by UAH 19.91k (+0.81%).

Payments to investors in January in the sector were not recorded, so there were no changes in net capital, the increase in NAV was due to a positive revaluation of components of the investment portfolio.

Based on the rate of return, funds in the sector had the following breakdown of the results:

“Parytet” (+0.92%) and “TASK UKRAINSKYI KAPITAL” (+0.59%)


The net asset value of 3 closed-end CII included in December review, at the end of the month amounted to UAH 15.00M. According to the provided data, total NAV of these funds increased by UAH 169.69k (+1.14%).

Payments to investors in January in the sector were not recorded, so there were no changes in net capital, the increase in NAV was due to a positive revaluation of components of the investment portfolio.

Based on the rates of return, funds in the sector had the following breakdown of the results:

“TASK Universal” (+3.30%), “Indeks Ukrainskoi Birzhi”(+1.84%) and “KINTO-Gold” (-2.59%)

Key Figures
Total number of members284as at 03.07.24
Number of AMC279as at 03.07.24
Number of NPF administrators17as at 03.07.24
Number of CII1793as at 03.07.24
Number of NPF*53as at 03.07.24
IC Number*1as at 31.05.24
AuM, UAH M633 200as at 31.05.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M2 918as at 31.05.24