Q1 2017 highlights of the Ukrainian asset & fund management industry

12 June 2016

Asset management companies in Ukraine hadUAH 247 billion (EUR 8.5 billion) of the formed Collective Investment Institutions Assets as at the end of Q1 2017. This represents a 7.3%growth (in UAH) for the quarter and 3.9% annually.

Total NAV ofopen-ended CII (funds) amounted to UAH 61mlnas at March 2017 end thanks to growth of 5.8% in Q1 (and 14.2% over the year). Quarterly net sales were negative and amounted to UAH 1.4 mln, after the outflow of almost UAH 1 mln in the previous quarter, and along with the stock market upsurge by 31% in the quarter.

NAV of closed-end funds with public offeradded 1% in Q1 2017 to stand at UAH 2,739mln (but annualy contracted by 16.6%). Meanwhile, closed-end funds with private placement expanded by 4.9% to UAH 5,072mln (-17.6% over the past year).

Venture CIIs’ total NAVreturned to growthby 8.8% over the quarter, to UAH 196,592mln (+1.8% annually).

Number of AMCsstabilised after a continuous contraction since Q4 2013 to stand at 295 companies, while the number of formed (‘established’) CII rose for the first time since Q1 2014– to 1143. Moreover, there was a stable number of newly registered CII (mainly in the venture funds sector) – 23 such funds emerged in the Q1 2017 (+1.4% of the registered CII in total).

Foreign investors (institutional and individual) in Ukrainian CII amounted to 562 and comprised 0.2% of all CII investors holding 20.8% of their total NAV. Of those, 99% were legal entities (seven of them still invested in open-ended funds as before).

Meanwhile, more than 73-percent share in the open-ended funds’ NAV belonged to domestic retail investors who accounted for 98.6% of all their investors.

Open-ended funds had RoR of +10.2% in Q1 2017 (+25.1% annually) and thus led among the CII categories by fund type.

Among the publicly offered diversified and specialised CII, the highest performance in the quarter was againshown by equity funds (+15.7%), raising their annual rate of return to 64.5%.Bond fundslagged behind with +1.7% for Q1 2017 (and +11.4% for the past year).

See more at the UAIB website:

The Ukrainian Fund Market in Figures

Quarterly Anual CII Industry Reviews

Full report in Ukrainian

Q4 2016 & FY 2016 full report in English

For enquiries, please contact:

Anastasiia Gavryliuk (Director of International Relations & Senior Analyst at UAIB) – gavrylyuk@uaib.com.ua

Key Figures
Total number of members284as at 03.07.24
Number of AMC279as at 03.07.24
Number of NPF administrators17as at 03.07.24
Number of CII1793as at 03.07.24
Number of NPF*53as at 03.07.24
IC Number*1as at 31.05.24
AuM, UAH M633 200as at 31.05.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M2 918as at 31.05.24