21 Years of Ukrainian Association of Investment Business!

14 April 2016

April, 14th is the creation day of Ukrainian Association of Investment Business. This year we celebrate 21 years since the Association started its professional activities, becoming the voice and defender of interests of the Ukrainian asset management companies as well as their clients.

Many years of self-regulation and loyalty to the interests of its members helps UAIB remain constructive in difficult reality these days - at the time of general deterioration of investment climate in the country, the lack of clear and stable rules and the lack of reliable financial instruments.

But we believe in business prospects of asset management as it is one of the most effective forms of financial management that completely meets the requirements of transparency, professionalism and effectiveness of financial services which are set to grow every year.

On this special day, we cordially great all UAIB members and thank companies that, despite the difficulties, keep stable, improve their professional level, strengthen the position of the Association in dealing with and solving problematic issues of investment business on the chanllenging path of approximation to the European standards.

We wish you persistence, consolidation and optimistic look into the future.



Sincerely yours,
The Board and Directorate of the UAIB

Key Figures
Total number of members284as at 03.07.24
Number of AMC279as at 03.07.24
Number of NPF administrators17as at 03.07.24
Number of CII1793as at 03.07.24
Number of NPF*53as at 03.07.24
IC Number*1as at 31.05.24
AuM, UAH M633 200as at 31.05.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M2 918as at 31.05.24