Monthly Performance Review of Publicly Offered CII in Ukraine. June 2020

17 July 2020

Following the results of the month, the PFTS index decreased by -0.33%, and the UX index by -0.14%.

By the rate of return for a month YTD, the sectors of CII with public issue had the following breakdown of the results: in the first place interval funds (+ 1.16%), the second place went to the sector of open-endedCII (+0.61%), and closed-end CII were in third place (-1.24%).


According to the UAIB, the value of the net assets (NAV) of 16 open-ended CII as at 30 June 2020 amounted toUAH 90.11M.According to the data provided at the end of June, the total increaseof net assets amounted toUAH 225.53k (+0.25%).Due to significant payments to investors, net capital in the sector decreased by UAH 663.66k.

Many funds ended the month with an increase in portfoliorate of returns, only 5 funds remained in the "red" zone. Thescopefor rates of return of open-ended CII ranged from +2.60% to-1.34%.

According to the results of June, the following funds were the leaders of growth in the sector of open-ended CII:

«UNIVER.UA/Iaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii» (+UAH 172.32k (+5.07))additional placement of 309 investment certificates (+ 6.49% in circulation) allowed the fund to receive an inflow of net capital in the amount of +UAH 222.43k.

The following funds made the biggest payments to investors in May:

«OTP Klasychnyi» (-UAH 547.80k (-3.88%)) – due to significant payments to investors (-5.34% in circulation) the fund recorded the largest net outflow in the sector in the amount ofUAH 756.80k;

«OTP Fond Aktsii» (-UAH 154.53k (-2.62%)) –due to redeption of investment certificates (-1.62% in circulation) net outflow amounted UAH 95.92k;

«KINTO-Kaznacheiskiy» (+UAH 18.03k (+0.55%)) – так само, пред’явлення до викупу 67 ІС призвело до відтоку чистого капіталу у розмірі -18,02 тис. грн.similarly, redemption of 67 investment certificates led to a net capital outflow in the amount of UAH 18.02k.

KINTO-Klasychnyi» (32.68% of thetotal NAV (UAH 29.33M)) took the first place among the open-ended CII in terms of market share, thesecond one was the «OTP Klasychnyi» (15.06% of total NAV (UAH 13.58M)), the third got the fund«UNIVER.UA/Myhailo Grushevskyi: Fond Derzhavnyh Paperiv» (9.33% (UAH 8.41M). Fourthplacewas taken by the fund «OTP Fond Aktsiy» (6.38% (UAH 5.75M), the fund «Sofiivskyi» (5.44% (UAH4.90M)) closes the top five.

The following funds were among the leaders in terms of rate of return: «Sofiivskyi» (+2.60), «Nadbannia» (+1.87%) and «OTP Klasychnyi» (+1.54%)

The worst indicators in June were demonstrated by funds: «UNIVER.UA/Iaroslav Mudryi: Fond Aktsii»(-1.34%), «OTP Fond Aktsii»(-1.01%) and«ТАSK Resurs» (-0.92%).

Key Figures
Total number of members284as at 02.07.24
Number of AMC279as at 02.07.24
Number of NPF administrators17as at 02.07.24
Number of CII1791as at 02.07.24
Number of NPF*53as at 02.07.24
IC Number*1as at 30.04.24
AuM, UAH M626 224as at 30.04.24
NPF assets under administration, UAH M2 948as at 30.04.24