Monthly Performance Review of Non-state Pension Funds in Ukraine. December 2021

20 January 2022

According to UAIB, the total net asset value (NAV) of 56 non-state pension funds as at December 30, 2021 amounted to UAH 2,063.54 M. According to the indicators at the end of December, the total increase of NAV amounted to +UAH 26.17 M.

The vast majority of the sector's funds ended the month with an increase of the net value of a unit of pension contributions ((UNV), only 18 recorded a decrease. The scope of UNVs’ changes ranged from +20.57% to -1.96%.

According to the results of the month, the leaders of the growth of the net value of the pension unit were the following funds:

“NIKA” (+20.57%), “VZAIEMODOPOMOGA” (+1.16%) and “EMERYT-UKRAINA” (+0.99%).

The lowest indicators of change in the net value of the pension unit in December were shown by the funds "ZOLOTYI VIK” (-1.96%), "UKRAINSKA PENSIINA FUNDATSIIA" (-1.70%) and "VSI" (-1.04%).

Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 14.03.25
Number of AMC278as at 14.03.25
Number of NPF administrators16as at 14.03.25
Number of CII1852as at 14.03.25
Number of NPF*51as at 14.03.25
IC Number*1as at 31.01.25
AuM, UAH M689 848as at 31.01.25
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 385as at 31.01.25