TOV "KUA "Akademiya Investments"

EDRPOU (state registration code)32836032
DirectorShevcova Irina Volodimirivna
Contact personShevcova Irina Volodimirivna
Phone numbers(056) 3739780
Fax(056) 3739781
AMC licence numberАД 034458
RegionDnipropetrovsk Region
Addressм.Днiпро, Шевченкiвський р-н, вул. Воскресенська, 30
Funds under management
Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 13.03.25
Number of AMC278as at 13.03.25
Number of NPF administrators16as at 13.03.25
Number of CII1852as at 13.03.25
Number of NPF*51as at 13.03.25
IC Number*1as at 31.01.25
AuM, UAH M689 848as at 31.01.25
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 385as at 31.01.25