payoviy venchurniy investiciyniy fond "Omega" nediversifikovanogo vidu zakritogo tipu

Asset management company PrAT"KUA"NACIONALNIY REZERV"
Security denomination 1.00
Registration date03.10.2006
Standards reached at20.03.2007
Fund closing date02.10.2031
EDRISI (Fund’s state registration code) 233487
Diversified Non-diversified
Type of fund (open-ended / interval / closed-end) Закритий строковий
Corporate fund (CIF) / Unit fund (UIF) / Pension fund (NPF) UIF
Venture fund / Non-venture fund Venture
Issuance (type of offer/placement) -
Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 14.03.25
Number of AMC278as at 14.03.25
Number of NPF administrators16as at 14.03.25
Number of CII1852as at 14.03.25
Number of NPF*51as at 14.03.25
IC Number*1as at 31.01.25
AuM, UAH M689 848as at 31.01.25
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 385as at 31.01.25