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Key Figures
Total number of members283as at 28.03.25
Number of AMC278as at 28.03.25
Number of NPF administrators16as at 28.03.25
Number of CII1853as at 28.03.25
Number of NPF*51as at 28.03.25
IC Number*1as at 31.01.25
AuM, UAH M689 848as at 31.01.25
NPF assets under administration, UAH M3 385as at 31.01.25
Market Data

Statistics as at 31.01.2025

Institutional InvestorsNumber Under ManagementAssets under management, mln. uah
Open-ended CII17249.87
Interval CII1874.79
Closed-end CII (excluding venture)8619 855.46
Venture CII1 699666 019.22
CII Total1 820686 199.35
NPFs*493 384.64
Total1 870689 848.11

* Non-state pension funds; ** Insurance companies' assets (reserves)

Number of Funds (Market Share) as at 31.01.2025

* Non-state pension funds; ** Insurance companies' assets (reserves)

Assets Under Management (Market Share) as at 31.01.2025

* Non-state pension funds; ** Insurance companies' assets (reserves)

Daily Fund Data on 26 March
TickerFund nameAMC nameFund's NAVNumber of IС in circulationCurrent value of investment certificate, uahPrevious value of investment certificate, uahDaily change, %
ALDPVDPIF "Altus-Depozit"TOV "KUA "ALTUS ASSETS AKTIVITIS"6 607 290.331 2565 260.585 254.080.12
ALBLVDPIF "Altus-zbalansovaniy"TOV "KUA "ALTUS ASSETS AKTIVITIS"4 903 261.186437 625.607 621.710.05
SOFIPIF "Sofijivskiy"TOV "KUA "Iveks Esset Menedzhment"2 778 174.432 5661 082.681 082.280.04
KAZNVDPIF "KINTO-Kaznacheyskiy" PrAT "KINTO"PrAT "KINTO"10 756 934.6812 767842.55842.240.04
OTKLVSPIF ""OTP Klasichniy""TOV "KUA "OTP Kapital"157 874 697.8220 1137 849.397 849.480.00
KLASVDPIF "KINTO-Klasichniy" PrAT "KINTO"PrAT "KINTO"33 267 370.0644 302750.92752.15-0.16
KIEKPIF KINTO-Ekviti PrAT "KINTO"PrAT "KINTO"3 267 096.553 1071 051.521 056.00-0.42
OTFAVSPIF "OTP Fond Akciy"TOV "KUA "OTP Kapital"11 013 882.685 742 6401.921.93-0.52
TARSVDPIF "TASK Resurs"TOV "KUA "TASK-INVEST"1 009 539.809531 059.321 105.42-4.17

Fund's Certificate/Share Value Dynamics

TickerCurrent value of IС / stock, uahPrevious value of IС / stock, uahDate of previous reportChange since the date of previous report, %Average daily change since the previous report, %
GRILZ1 075.271 073.5020.03.202500.00

Fund's Data as at the date of current report

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